Thursday, October 20, 2011

I've learned some HTML things.

This is to test my skills without the book.

Also to see what "Edit HTML" means in blogger world.

I went to the DMV this morning. I woke up at 6am to get there when it opened at 8:30am. There are only three DMVs in Manhattan, and they do a pretty good job hiding them. Really. The line is just as long at opening as it is at anytime during the day. I applied for a New York State Non-Driver's ID, registered to vote as New York resident, and became and organ donor.

I was there for only about an hour and a half, and only spent an hour standing in line. Reading in a line at the DMV is incredibly uncomfortable. I only read one chapter of my HTML book. I'm reading "Learn HTML and CSS with w3schools," and I like it so far, despite reading only a little. The w3schools (I'm pronouncing it "we-schools") company is really cool from what I can tell. Their website is really interactive, and free, and there are tons of other things you can learn from them. Admittedly I played around with some HTML on their site before coming here.

I'm very excited to learn this. It opens up a whole new world, and many many opportunities. I can't wait to master this and learn more skills! I'm going to Virginia for my cousin's wedding this weekend, and while I'm on the plane I'll be reading.

EDIT: Just took a look at the post and it looks AWESOME. I'm super excited!

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