Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Story About Karma

This post has been sitting for a couple of days because of technical difficulties and familial medical emergencies.  Please enjoy:

I went to Coney Island today and blew all the cash I could find in my bag.  As I stood in front of the Cyclone waiting for my friend Emma to get there, a bird pooped on my leg.  Emma hit her face on the safety bar on the Cyclone, and her nose was bleeding when we got off.  We ordered a Pina Colada and a Strawberry Daiquiri, and the girl who ordered her drink between Emma and I asked us if Rum was a flavoring or actual alcohol.  We thought she was an idiot but then we couldn't taste any alcohol in our drinks.  

This believe it or not is not a karma related story.  It just happens to a string of unfortunate events, that I believe indicate good things on the horizon.

Here's my real karma story:

I recently acquired a part time position ushering at The Town Hall Theater.  I was offered the position during the interview.  I instantly filled with euphoria and went on my merry way.  As I entered the subway station I stopped to put another two rides on my metro card.  While I did, a foreign-tourist couple watched me use the machine. I could tell they were having some trouble with it, because they were trying to find the coin slot in the card only machine.  

Because I was in such a good mood I thought I would help them out.  As it turns out, they were trying to pay with Euros, which, ladies and gentlemen, is not the preferred or accepted currency of the MTA.  They kept inquiring how much it would cost for two tickets, and my reply was $4.50.  They had 50 American cents and about 14 Euros in the form of 2 Euro coins.  We had a little back and forth about how one 2 Euro coin plus another 2 Euro coin makes the number 4.. in Euros.  At this point I was afraid my euphoria high would wear off, so I bought them a $4.50 metro card.  They thanked me profusely and tried to give me all their Euros, which I declined.  One because I'm too lazy to go get them converted, and two, if I did get them converted, they wouldn't be worth that much as the dollar is weak and fees are high.  

The next night I had finished my first shift at The Town Hall.  It was an exciting night of Rosh Hashanah services complete with medical emergency.  As I entered the subway, I stopped at the same metro card machine to put another two rides on my card, and I found this:

And that my friends, is karma.

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